AA Medical Division Service

Integrated Home Care

Every day we enter patients' homes bringing not only the most appropriate assistance and care but also the closeness and warmth that the patient and his family need.
Ours is a service that we carry out with love, aware of the discomfort that patients and their families face on a daily basis.

Rehabilitation pursuant to art 26

The HOME REHABILITATION service provides for the overall rehabilitation care of the patient through the development of a personalized rehabilitation project by the multidisciplinary team (AT) and shared with the patient and the care-giver. As required by current legislation, the treatment is aimed at patients suffering from complex pathologies.

Structure "The Abode"

“La Dimora” is a social-rehabilitative residential facility that offers a permanent and continuous residential service to disabled people of both sexes, with varying degrees of fragility, with the aim of ensuring the quality of life, avoid isolation, marginalization and promote their social integration.


Following a request from the Specialist or the General Practitioner or the Free Choice Pediatrician, the PAI is drawn up (Individual Care Plan) by the Multidisciplinary Team of the CAD to which they belong.
Our Nursing or Rehabilitation Coordinator receives the request from the Local Health Authority and, in collaboration with the Medical Director, shares the terms for activating the service with the family (within 24/72 ore).
The relative intervention plan is entrusted to specialized personnel who, respecting the needs of the patient and his family, proceeds to activate the assistance as per the PAI received.

Integrated home care (ADI) is a free health care service fully paid for by the Lazio Region, aimed at non-self-sufficient people or in fragile conditions suffering from chronic or acute pathologies which can be accessed without any limitation related to income or age.

40 years of experience in the healthcare sector

For any information do not hesitate to contact us