Home-based treatments pursuant to Art.26 Lg.833/78

The HOME REHABILITATION service provides for the overall rehabilitation care of the patient through the development of a personalized rehabilitation project by the multidisciplinary team (AT) and shared with the patient and the care-giver. In accordance with current legislation, the treatment is aimed at patients suffering from complex pathologies.

Rehabilitative health services are provided on a home basis and the following table shows the types of services that can be provided following authorization with Determination N.G14948.

  •      Physiotherapy
  •      Logopedia
  •      Neuropsychomotor therapy
  •      Psychological support
  •      Neuropsychological therapy
  •      Cognitive therapy – behavioral
  •      Neuromotor rehabilitation
  •      Occupational therapy
  •      Motor re-education

Responsible doctor
Dr. Remo Forte
registered in the medical register with serial number 32426

Coordinator of rehabilitation health professionals (Facility Care Manager)
Dott. Roberto Monaco

Consult the service charter in Italian or English by clicking on the following links for all the information.